Overseas Membership

Join the British Titanic Society

Apply Online

To join online, please complete the fields within this form and then make your payment on the next page. 

British Titanic Society Constitution

All personal data supplied within this application form, including title, name, postal address, e-mail and telephone number is securely held by the Society, and not shared outside the organisation to third- parties. It is retained on file for essential communication purposes only, and then removed from the Society’s database should a membership lapse.

In order to satisfy the requirements of GDPR, and allow us to process your membership application, please confirm, by ticking all of the boxes above.

Apply by Post

Alternatively, you can download our interactive Membership Application Form below:

Once completed, submit it directly by email, or, if you prefer, you can print it off and post it to:

Membership Application
British Titanic Society
214 Minard Road