More than 110 years have passed since the Titanic disaster. During this time, the graves of the Titanic’s crew and passengers have been eroded by time, lost, or damaged. The British Titanic Society is looking for your help to restore a number of graves, to ensure the memory of the Titanic and those who travelled upon her stay alive.
Trevor Baxter, BTS Graves Co-ordinator, said:
I began researching Titanic gravesites & memorials over 20 years ago, and have located in excess of 700; around half of those in the UK… When I brought the idea of this new project to the attention of the British Titanic Society, I was thrilled to discover that the officers of the committee were just as enthusiastic.
With your help, we hope to maintain, replace, and restore the graves and memorials of Titanic’s passengers and crew.
You can visit TitanicMap to see all the graves and memorials of Titanic passengers and crew, alongside museums, exhibitions, and business named after the Titanic.
– At present we have been given permission for seven headstones by family members to put on unmarked Titanic graves in the Southampton area.
– A good example is an unmarked grave identified by Trevor Baxter in Southampton:
Headstone: £1,000
Exclusive Right of Burial for 30 years: £945
Stonemason Fee: £270
Total: 2,215
– Yes, you can visit to see the location of every Titanic grave around the world.
– Yes, if you would like to be involved with this worthwhile project, please contact us via email at: